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Dorset Trade Windows - uPVC Window Repairs in Poole, Broken Misted Units.Can We Help?
We can just change the glass units to suit your windows, without changing the frames.
Dorset Trade Windows - Misted units in Poole, Double Glazing Repairs.Phone Today!
For a FREE no obligation quote phone our office in Poole.


Broken or Damaged Windows?

You do not need to replace the whole window frame when something goes wrong. The glass unit and all moving parts for each window can easily be changed saving you time and money.

Misted Windows

When double glazed units become misted up or foggy, a popular misconception is that the whole window, including the frames need to be replaced. 99% of the time the double glazed units can be replaced at a fraction of the cost.

Misted Windows in Poole

These broken misted up double glazed units in Poole were easily replaced with new units without the need of replacing the uPVC frame. Misted up units occur when moisture (water) has become trapped in the cavity between the two sheets of glass that create the double glazed unit. The glass cannot be wiped clean/clear from either side (internal or externally) preventing natual light entering the room and obscuring the external view.

Foggy Windows in Poole

By simply changing the broken-down, misted glass unit the whole window can be refreshed and updated to new. Frames can be given a new lease of life for an affordable price.

Foggy Glass Units in Poole

The pictures above show the original frames with the old units (glass) in the before image and the new replacement double glazed units in the after image.


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